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Noriko Nails
- Builder Base NORIKO NAILSaddremove
- BAzy i Topy NORIKO NAILSaddremove
- Lakiery hybrydowe Noriko Nails 10 ml
- Gel Polish Collection Noriko Nails
- Modeling Gel NORIKO NAILS
- Acrygel Noriko Nails
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Tatuaż wodny N425
Tatuaż wodny - jest to łatwy i szybki sposób na ozdobienie paznokci skomplikowanymi wzorami graficznymi. Można je aplikować na lakier do paznokci, lakier hybrydowy Gelosophy lub EzFlow TruGel, a także na paznokcie żelowe bądź akrylowe.
- Wybrany wzór należy wcześniej wyciąć i dopasować do kształu paznokcia.
- Zanurzamy gotowy wzór w wodzie na 5-10 sekund.
- Pozbywamy się nadmiaru wody za pomocą bezpyłowego wacika.
- Usuwamy papier ochronny.
- Aplikujemy na paznokieć cienką warstwę Base One Gelosophy. Nie utwardzamy !
- Wzór umieszczamy na paznokciu za pomocą pęsety. Utwardzamy Base One Gelosophy w lampie : 30sek w LED lub 1min w UV
- Jeśli wzór zajmuje całą powierzchnię paznokcia, należy dodatkowo zabezpieczyć go jeszcze jedną warstwą Base One Gelosophy i utwardzić w lampie 30 sek w LED lub 1 min w UV.
- Jeśli zachodzi taka potrzeba należy usunąć wystające elementy i opiłować krawędzie paznokcia za pomocą pilnika o gradacji #180.
- Całość zabezpieczamy Top Gel Gelosophy.
- Gotowe !
in the same category
With the color Denim Jeans you will create the perfect Denim Look in an elegant or sporty style. It all depends on the accessories and clothes you choose. It looks great on your nails and you can combine it with most colors.
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Honey Paint Gel NORIKO NAILS - Honey/mustard-coloured Paint Gel with a high level of pigmentation. Perfect for flat Nail Art decorations and used in techniques: Zhostovo, One Stroke, Micropainting, Realistic Flowers, Pastel Flowers, painting cartoon and realistic characters. Does not have an inhibition layer.
Total polymerisation time: 30 seconds
Capacity: 5g
Acrygel Cover Pink is a camouflage. Acrygel - is a combination of acrylic durability and gel flexibility. It can be used on a natural plate, forms, lower and upper tips (dual form). It will work well in any salon styling and avant-garde. During work it guarantees 100% control over the product, it does not run off to the sides and is easy to apply.
Capacity: 60 g
Noriko Nails Gel Polis have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Do you need a big dose of energy ? The color Expresso Shot will surely stimulate you to action. Dark brown will add chic and elegance to your styling. If you like embellishments, be sure to add gold or beige accessories.
Noriko Nails Gel Polis have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Builder Base Cold Pink - a fiberglass Gel in Brush with a milky tone. Ideal for clients who want to achieve lightness on their nails. Looks great with glitter or Matte Top Gel. Can be used alone, to enhance bright or transparent colors such as neon, as a background for watercolor or gel decorations or for flooding decorations.
Capacity: 15 ml
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Acrygel Milky is a milky color with cool tones. Acrygel - is a combination of acrylic durability and gel flexibility. It can be used on a natural plate, forms, lower and upper tips (dual form). It will work well in any salon styling and avant-garde. During work it guarantees 100% control over the product, it does not run off to the sides and is easy to apply.
Capacity: 60 g
Smart Girl is a shade of dirty powder pink falling into brown. It is a universal unobtrusive color, perfect for any day.
Noriko Nails Gel Polis have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Do you like to wear strong and saturated color on your nails ? We have for you a suggestion for Bloody Mary Gel Polish, which is suitable for everyday styling or a party with friends.
Noriko Nails Gel Polis have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml