Białe tipsy w rozmiarze 0 przeznaczone do prezentacji zdobień lub kolorów. Tipsy zamknięte są w pudełeczko, co ułatwia ich przechowywanie.
Kolor: Biały
Ilość sztuk w pudełku: 50 sztuk
Rozmiar: 0
There are 13 products.
Białe tipsy w rozmiarze 0 przeznaczone do prezentacji zdobień lub kolorów. Tipsy zamknięte są w pudełeczko, co ułatwia ich przechowywanie.
Kolor: Biały
Ilość sztuk w pudełku: 50 sztuk
Rozmiar: 0
Czarne tipsy w rozmiarze 0 przeznaczone do prezentacji zdobień lub kolorów. Tipsy zamknięte są w pudełeczko, co ułatwia ich przechowywanie.
Kolor: Czarny
Ilość sztuk w pudełku: 50 sztuk
Rozmiar: 0
Transparent nail tips in size 0 designed to present decorations or colors. Tips are enclosed in a box for easy storage.
Color: Clear
Number of pieces in the box: 50 pieces
Size: 0
Noriko Safety Drill Bit No.1 - is a professional drill bit with a rounded head, which is designed to protect the skin from damage. Properly selected blade has high wear resistance and does not overheat during work, so if you follow the rules of proper use and sterilization of tools, it will serve you faithfully for several years. Drill bit guarantees fast and extremely precise work with gel and acrylic system.
Top-class Lint free Nail Wipes 13 layers. They are very durable and do not fray.
Miękka szczoteczka sylikonowa dwustronna do odpylania pyłu. Bardzo dobrze się czyści nie niszcząc przy tym włosia. Bardzo miękka i przyjemna w dotyku. Wasze klientki będą zachwycone.
Kolor: biały
Silicone Mat - for Nail Art designed by Anna Sikora for greater comfort and convenience while working. This proprietary design helps beginner and advanced artists mix colors, practice intricate patterns and techniques, and make finished stickers or 3D pieces. The silicone mat is easy to clean, does not dye, and is designed to fit into our metal box for Nail Art.
Color : White with design
Silicone Mat - for Nail Art designed by Anna Sikora for greater comfort and convenience while working. This proprietary design helps beginner and advanced artists mix colors, practice intricate patterns and techniques, and make finished stickers or 3D pieces. The silicone mat is easy to clean, does not dye, and is designed to fit into our metal box for Nail Art.
Color : White
Silicone Mat - for Nail Art designed by Anna Sikora for greater comfort and convenience while working. This proprietary design helps beginner and advanced artists mix colors, practice intricate patterns and techniques, and make finished stickers or 3D pieces. The silicone mat is easy to clean, does not dye, and is designed to fit into our metal box for Nail Art.
Color : Clear with design
Color Ring Clear - transparent tips in one size in the shape of an almond designed for the presentation of decorations or colors. The package contains 50 pieces with an attached ring for easy storage.
Color: clear
Number of pieces per box: 50 pieces
Shape: almond
Color Ring Natural - natural tips in one size in the shape of an almond designed for the presentation of decorations or colors. The package contains 50 pieces with an attached ring for easy storage.
Color: natural
Number of pieces per box: 50 pieces
Shape: almond