Filigranowe naklejki, zapewniające optymalną przyczepność, oraz najwyższą jakość produktu ! Imitują popularne dotychczas zdobienia wykonywane białym lub czarnym żelem, lub folią transferową w kolorze złota czy srebra.
kolor: biały
Acrygel Milky Pink is a milky shade of pink. Acrygel - is a combination of acrylic durability and gel flexibility. It can be used on a natural plate, forms, lower and upper tips (dual form). It will work well in any salon styling and avant-garde. During work it guarantees 100% control over the product, it does not run off to the sides and is easy to apply.
Capacity: 60 g
Acrygel Milky Pink is a milky shade of pink. Acrygel - is a combination of acrylic durability and gel flexibility. It can be used on a natural plate, forms, lower and upper tips (dual form). It will work well in any salon styling and avant-garde. During work it guarantees 100% control over the product, it does not run off to the sides and is easy to apply.
Capacity: 60 g
Filigranowe naklejki, zapewniające optymalną przyczepność, oraz najwyższą jakość produktu ! Imitują popularne dotychczas zdobienia wykonywane białym lub czarnym żelem, lub folią transferową w kolorze złota czy srebra.
kolor: biały
Skośny pędzelek do metody One Stroke wykonany z włosia nylonowego.
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
A double-sided 100/180 grit made of good quality paper. The highest quality file is very durable and resistant to rapid abrasion. Ideal for shaping the desired shape of nails made with gels, acrylics or acrygel. 100 grit is recommended for filing off excess product, saving time on further filing. Fineness 180 grit allows you to even out the surface and focus on the details to prepare the nails for the next step. Each file is individually packed in a plastic sheath.
Płaski i cienki pędzel, wykonany z miękkiego włosia. Kształt idealnie sprawdza się podczas malowania drobnych elementów techniką Zhostovo lub do blendowania kolorów w technice Micropainting. Każdy pędzelek posiada metalową zatyczkę, która chroni włosie przed czynnikami zewnętrznymi. Rączka jest również metalowa.
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
If you are an energetic and determined person like our Shanti then this expressive feature shade will be perfect for you. The color will enliven and energize women with cool beauty type, dark hair and light complexion.
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Acrylic Powder White is a white acrylic powder that provides a flawless white. Our powders will work well in salon work and for competition. Properly selected formula guarantees the highest quality of the product, which translates into durability and the final effect of styling. In combination with our Monomer, it creates a perfect network connection. Our acrylics are easy to apply and develop. They are suitable for working on natural plate, forms or tips. If you want to create a flawless French then this acrylic will meet your expectations.
Fall Breez & Autumn Leaves - collection of 5 Noriko Nails 10 ml gel polish referring to the wedding trends. Fall Breez & Autumn Leaves collection is enclosed in an extremely elegant black box with a magnet closure. The collection includes 5 colours:
150 Olena, 175 Gołd Leaf, 176 Sherwood, 177 I Can Hide, 180 I Love Trouble.
Gel Polish Collection have 5 pieces with a capacity of 10 ml.
Acrygel Clear is a transparent acrylic gel that you can use for French decoration. Acrygel - is a combination of acrylic durability and gel flexibility. It can be used on a natural plate, forms, lower and upper tips (dual form). It will work well in any salon styling and avant-garde. During work it guarantees 100% control over the product, it does not run off to the sides and is easy to apply.
Capacity: 60 g
Tatuaż wodny - jest to łatwy i szybki sposób na ozdobienie paznokci skomplikowanymi wzorami graficznymi. Można je aplikować na lakier do paznokci, lakier hybrydowy Gelosophy lub EzFlow TruGel, a także na paznokcie żelowe bądź akrylowe.
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Ultramarine Betty is sure to catch your eye if you like intense colors, and your favorite set from your closet is an oversize denim jacket and a white shirt or top accented with gold accessories. It will also form a harmonious duo with a black, white or blue jacket.
Noriko Nails Gel Polis have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Noriko Nails Gel Polish have a high level of coverage and formula is free of HEMA and free of di-HEMA, which reduces the risk of allergies. There has the perfect viscosity for easy application and highly pigmented formula. The brush is rounded, which provided quickly and easy application around the cuticle area and lateral side walls.
Available in 10 ml
Jest to gęsty żel budujący z właściwościami samopoziomującymi. Posiada najwyższy stopień bieli, sprawdzi się w salonie oraz na mistrzostwach. Nie spływa na boki, więc zamiast ciągle kontrolować produkt i poprawiać kształt, możesz skupić się na prawidłowej aplikacji i konstrukcji paznokcia.
Całkowity czas polimeryzacji: 90-120 sekund.
Dostępny w dwóch pojemnościach: 15 g i 50 g